Reiki Attunements Workshop

What is Reiki
The word “Reiki” means “mysterious atmosphere, miraculous sign.” It comes from the Japanese words “rei,” meaning universal, and “ki,” meaning life energy.
Reiki is a type of energy healing. According to practitioners, energy can stagnate in the body where there has been physical injury or even emotional pain. In time, these energy blocks can cause illness.
Energy medicine aims to help the flow of energy and remove blocks in a similar way to acupuncture or acupressure. Reiki practitioners believe that improving the flow of energy around the body can enable relaxation, relieve pain, speed healing, and reduce other symptoms of illness.
Mikio Usui developed Usui Reiki Yoho, the most current form of Reiki, in 1922. However, people have practiced Reiki for about 2,500 years..
What happens in a Reiki session?
Practitioners will typically give Reiki treatment in a peaceful, private setting. However, the treatment can take place anywhere. During a session, the client will sit in a comfortable chair or lie on a table, fully clothed.
The practitioner will then place their hands lightly on or over specific areas of the client’s head, limbs, and torso. They will typically keep their hands in these positions for 3–10 minutes.
If there is a particular injury, such as a burn, the practitioner will hold their hands just above the wound.
Advocates state that while the practitioner holds their hands lightly on or over the body, an energy transfer takes place. During this time, the practitioner may report that their hands feel warm or are tingling.
They will hold each hand position until they sense that the energy has stopped flowing.
When the practitioner feels that the heat, or energy, in their hands has gone, they will remove their hands and place them over a different body area.
Some Reiki techniques
The techniques that Reiki involves have names such as:
• cantering
• clearing
• beaming
• extracting harmful energies
• infusing
• smoothing and raking the aura
Some Reiki practitioners will use crystals and chakra healing wands to enable healing or protect a home from negative energy Sessions can last 45–90 minutes, The number of sessions will vary,
depending on what a client wishes to accomplish. Some clients prefer to have one session, while others have a series of sessions to work on a particular issue.
HOW Does the Body Use Reiki Energy?
We understand that every particle vibrates at a specific frequency. That frequency in more esoteric terms can be termed consciousness. This consciousness is what activates all parts of our body and synchronizes the events within our body.
Each day, our body is working to maintain balance. When we consider exercising, our body begins its preparations well before we begin our workout.
When cells are separated from our body, even the thought of cutting oneself ignites a series of reactions in those extracted cells because it is the same frequency that animates them and the body.
Our body has a natural electromagnetic frequency that it prefers to resonate with. When all levels of the body are in harmony with that frequency, communication is strong.
The body loses its effectiveness to heal and maintain homeostasis when the lines of communication within the body are disrupted. These disruptions occur when we store energy that is dissonant with our natural resonance.
We tend to store energy in the form of memories and beliefs and as they accumulate around the same theme, the strong dissonance begins. Where our body once operated as a perfectly timed symphony, with conflicting energy stored, we have many instruments out of tune and sync.
When a body receives Reiki energy, it is like having a light to make the body aware of the energy that is not serving it. The practitioner does not decide what needs to be released or when, the wisdom of the body does.
The practitioner holds the space for the body mind to see the possibilities it can choose from with regard to healing so the body is no longer tied to a dysfunctional way of being. Once the body has chosen what it is ready to address, it can systematically release the stored energy at a cellular level connected with the imbalance.
The cells then begin functioning as intended and the healing occurs on a physical as well as emotional, mental and physical level. The body does not need to be consciously aware of what beliefs and memories it is working with which is one reason why Reiki can be so effective. Many of our strongly help beliefs were developed in early childhood or even foetal life.
The client just needs to ensure that as the releases occur that they are aware of the process and allow them to fall away. With the body vibrating at a more natural state, harmony and peace on all levels can be restored.
Cost of reiki is $70 per hour
Becoming a Reiki practitioner, with healing frequencies
No prior training, education, or experience is necessary to enter the Reiki training or “atonement process.”
In this process, the Reiki master reportedly transfers the attunement energy and healing techniques to the student.
Reiki training varies, but most students learn about:
• the energies around the body
• how to work with healing energy
• the ethics of working with clients
There are three levels of mastery. Those who reach “Master” level can teach others and can heal from a distance.
In our level one attunement classes you are taught
- The reiki family tree
- The reiki principles
- The benefits of reiki
- Reiki protection and grounding yourself
The seven main chakras - Reiki hand positions
- A healing thought
- The human aura fields explained
- The three main levels of reiki
- Mindfulness and a brief meditation
What to expect after your first level attunement
Our reiki lineage
All students will receive a 47-page level one reiki manual, A journey note book for your 21-day cleanse, and something special for your reiki journey form me too you Level one training is a full day in my healing studio, with morning and afternoon snacks and lunch provided, once you completed your day you will receive a reiki level one certificate, and full ongoing support will be provided, if needed.
Cost is 300 dollars, a 100-dollar deposit is required, and the remaining 200 dollars to be paid one day before your course
Cancellation policy for workshops Healing frequencies under stands that sometimes life happens and schedules change and therefore we request at least 24 hours’ notice when cancelling appointments.
Appointments cancelled within 24 hours or for which clients are a no show will incur a charge of 50 percent of the workshop amount Book level one reiki attunement now.
What you will learn in reiki two workshop is
How to run your reiki business now that you’re a level two reiki practitioner, and setting up your sacred healing area Your reiki symbols explained in detail and step by step instructions on how
to draw the symbols
Some Reiki practitioners will use crystals and chakra healing wands to enable healing or protect a home from negative energy Sessions can last 45–90 minutes, The number of sessions will vary, depending on what a client wishes to accomplish. Some clients prefer to have one session, while others have a series of sessions to work on a particular issue.
- Opening and closing your reiki session
- Performing reiki across time
- Performing reiki with the future
- Performing reiki with the past
- A brief history of reiki
- Reiki and more of the bodies Charkas
- Using reiki to help achieve your goals
- Reiki with and pregnancy babies and children
- Reiki with your plants and animals
- How to perform a reiki atunement
- Public liability insurance
All students will receive reiki level 2 manual, A journey note book for your 21-day cleanse, and something special for your reiki journey form me too you Level two training is a full day in my healing studio, with morning and afternoon snacks and lunch provided, once you completed your day you will receive a reiki level two certificate, and full ongoing support will be
provided, if needed Cost is 400 dollars, a 100-dollar deposit is required, and the remaining 300 to be paid one day before your course.
Cancellation policy for workshops
Healing frequencies under stands that sometimes life happens and schedules change and therefore we request at least 24 hours’ notice when
cancelling appointments.
Appointments cancelled within 24 hours or for which clients are a no show will incur a charge of 50 percent of the workshop amount
Reiki level two attunement’ dates to be advised
Book level two reiki attunement now
Healing frequencies Reiki level Three workshops
In the reiki three level workshops you will learn
- An introduction to 3rd. degree USUI reiki
- Reiki and symbolism
- The traditional reiki master symbol the non-traditional USUI master symbol
techniques - Reiki plastic surgery
- How to perform the reiki attunements to your clients’ levels 1 and 2 and 3
- Learn more about distant reiki attunements
All students will receive reiki level 3 manual, A journey note book for your 21-day cleanse, and something special for your reiki journey form me too you.
Level three 3 training is a full day in my healing studio, with morning and afternoon snacks and lunch provided, once you completed your day you will receive a reiki level two certificate, and full ongoing support will be provided, if needed.
The costs 600 dollars, a 200-dollar deposit is required, and the remaining 400 to be paid one day before your course. Cancellation policy for workshops Healing frequencies under stands that sometimes life happens and schedules change and therefore we request at least 24 hours’ notice when cancelling appointments
Appointments cancelled within 24 hours or for which clients are a no show
will incur a charge of 50 percent of the workshop amount Reiki level 3 workshops
Days to be advised.