Energetic Body Alignment

What is Energetic Body Alignment?
Energetic body alignment is 12-week specific treatments to recalibrate your body back to its original frequencies, and the process will be discussed with the client.
It is a compressive pathway of healing for the body and its energy structure, your body is designed for growth and reprograming of old cells, with health and happiness.
The best way to describe this would be likened to the olden days telephone exchange, with all the cords running everywhere and not operating correctly, we reprogram the body so its functioning at the highest frequency, many of us are not aware of where our
blockages or disconnections are held, all we may feel is that LIFE IS NOT WHERE WE WOULD LIKE IT TO BE.
Within these sequenced sessions 12 areas of the energy field are reconnected and fortified.
What does it mean to be in energetic alignment?
When you’re in energetic alignment, you’re in-tune with yourself and
deeply connected to your energy and intuitive wisdom. You’re flowing to your own harmonious, high-vibrational rhythm, & your Vibration magnetizes all~those~things that spark the flame within you.
When you’re in energetic alignment, you have clarity and momentum as you consciously create a life that feels authentic, abundant, and true, to you. You’re not making decisions to get approval and validation from others; you’re making decisions that are aligned with Your visions, calling, gifts, and beliefs… and it feels luminous.
You wake up with the energy to create, share your gifts, carpe diem, and evolve. You understand your natural ebbs and flows, and you Honor and feel your emotion, which is energy-in-motion. When you experience low vibrational emotions, you allow yourself to fully feel and express them so you can set them free.
When you’re aligned, you’re empowered to express yourself authentically, without fear or resistance. You’re tapped into your unique wisdom & you know you’re meant to share this innate
wisdom with the world.
When you’re in energetic alignment, you protect and channel your energy in a way that allows you to authentically create a high- vibrational life. You tell yourself powerful stories that allow you to honour yourself and step into creator consciousness, when you realise your energy system it’s like reprograming your life You let go of everything that you were told you cannot do.
You release all the outdated energies, programming, and societal
conditioning that holds you back from receiving your aligned freedom and abundance.
You don’t pretend nor try to be happy because it doesn’t take effort.You know happiness is so much more than a mindset, it’s a state of harmonious existence that’s felt from the depth of your soul.
You’re happy because you’re authentically yourself and exerting your
energy toward those things that make you light up and feel whole.
Your heart, mind, body, and spirit energy are all working in harmony with one another — in fluidity, inflow. Your intentions, emotions, thoughts, beliefs, expression, action, intuition, and feelings are aligned.
When you’re in energetic alignment, you’re deeply connected to your purpose and feel little to no resistance. You’re oscillating at a frequency that aligns with everything that you’re seeking, so what you’re seeking naturally flows toward you.
Energetic alignment is a state of, “f*ck yes! This is my life, and it’s meant for me”. You’re extremely tuned in to your frequency and feel your energy flowing’ through you.
We should all be living this way — it’s our natural state of existence.
We’re all born into this world to create a life of alignment, and to create something unique to contribute to our world.
We’re not here on Earth to be uninspired zombie robots, living a limited life, working a dreadful job that depletes us. We’re not here to settle for less-than, for the sake of comfort. We’re not here to live a facade nor hide in the shadows. We’re here to heal, ascend, evolve,
consciously create, align, and transcend.
What does it feel like when you’re not in alignment with your energy? You intuitively know when you are not in alignment with your internal energy because you feel disconnected from yourself and unsure of your life path. You might be questioning everything in your life, dwelling in the past, and swarming in self-doubt and ego-fear.
You feel resistance and have little energy to steer your life in a different direction. You carry so many magical dreams, visions, and goals, yet something heavy and forceful is holding you back from trusting yourself and taking action. You feel anchored down.
You wake up in the morning and feel like something is missing. Yet, you’re too depleted to carpe diem, uninspired to authentically create, and feel uncomfortable with change (because you’re in a “comfort” bubble). You feel stuck, lost, depleted, stagnant, burnt out, anxious, and fearful to take strides in a new direction. You might be
experiencing overwhelming insecurity while thinking to yourself, “is this it? Is there more?” When you’re not in energetic alignment, you’re living at a lower vibration. You’re being weighed down by low frequency energies: pain from your past, matrix programming,
societal conditioning, draining beliefs, perceived limitations, self- doubt, and ego fears
This 12-week process is intended to create spiritual immunity which enables a person to operate in a powerful way from their souls
frequencies, each week is building towards a way that enables complete integration, each session would take at least one hour or more, as each individual is different, after your 12-week alignment has completed you can come back at any time for a reboots.
But you can just enjoy a week-one tune-up for your body as a stand-alone treatment.
Week 1
Healing specific injuries and past trauma in preparation for realigning
and recalibrating the human body, and realigning your charkas and
anything else that may arise.
Week 2
Feeling more aligned and peaceful
Week 3
Feeling more space and stability
Week 4
Feeling more stable and grounded
Week 5
Experiencing the gaining of clarity
Week 6
Downloading of inspirations and feeling more grounded
Week 7
Accessing and using more senses
Week 8
Emotional freedom and feeling expansion
Week 9
Remembering and regeneration begins
Week 10
Sense of uniqueness, self -sufficiency and sustainability
Week 11
Stillness from the mind
Week 12
experiencing connection to the universal intelligence at a cellular level.
Cost of energetic body alinement is $125 per session, to be paid on the day.